
Tuesday, January 18, 2005

My first ob+gyn call night

Today I'm post call from first day of Ob+gyn...I reached home in the morning at about 10 am...feeling abit tired..but not too bad...step into my room..oh man..my room is so cold...even worse than an eskimo igloo..(i supposed they are very warm)...in order to save the heating...we switched it off whenever we are out of the house...I was away for more than 24 hours..and it's -24 C outside..feel like -30 C ....I immediately switched on the heater...wearing two sweaters..walking up and down to find a warm spot...

Thinking about the dinner I got last night..it's a real good one man...I was too cunning from cheating a good meal..how? hmmm....usually if we on call..we can only get a hospital union meal..I walked into the cafeteria..saw mash of dunno what disgusting meat with sauces..and the other side was nice roasted chicken legs...immediately I know which one is the union meal...I was too sick of eating that chunk of food..i called for the chicken leg..with green beans and potatoes...walked to the cashier...without uncover my food..I said: 'union meal..on call pls...'
I'm bad..huh?

What about the call last night ? It's not a bad one at all...I got to sleep from 12:30 am to 5:30 am....oh yes..the call room...I think it's worth to describe it a little bit more here...I walked into the room..first passed a short way and a kid's size small bed was pathetically lying on my left side..on top was a mess with two brownish (I supposed it's white at the beginning) plastic pillows and thin-like a bed sheet blanket ( I still wonder it's a bed sheet or a blanket). On the right side lay pieces of dusky unwanted furnitures (table, chair, old lamp..ect). A typical medical student call room... Without hesitation...I walked to the ward..took two pieces of patient's bed protector...put one on top of the pillow and one on the bed itself...and threw myself on the bed without having too much complaint...as I was too tired to think much...before I felt asleep..never forgot to hang my two pagers around my collar...so that i would be able to wake up if I get page...I woke up twice in the mid-night...by the cold running right into my bone...it's a chilling night...at about 5:30 am...I was paged...I jumped up...rushed to the case room....with my messy hair like a mad woman......a coordinator and a nurse were sitting at the counter..immediately they recognized I was the student....the nurse said: 'there is a new admission in room 6'. I replied: 'got it'...the coordinator said in an unpleasant mood: 'Next time if u are on call..u are supposed to carry 2 pagers ..one for ob and the other one for gyn'....at the same time took out an old pager from the drawer ..(about the size of my hand without the fingers) and showed it to me...she continued with higher tone: ' so that when we page u..we can get u...u are supposed to cover both sides..ob and gyn...' I replied:' I know I'm supposed to cover both sides..but I've call the hospital locating and told them if anyone need student for ob or gyn..pls page me tru the ob pager..as I will only carry one..the locating said it shouldn't be a problem'...she repeated:' Do u know as U on call..U are supposed to cover both side.....' obviously she didn't understand me...the nurse cut it:' Yes, that's why she said she called the locating..'..oh thanks for being on my side...I was thinking...she kept on:' I dun care about the locating..they always make mistake (do they?)...no matter what.. U are supposed to carry 2 pagers....'She insisted and got impatient.. at the same time threw me the other pager..I put the 3rd pagers on my pants..she saw all the heavy medals and said again:' most students carry 3 pagers when they are on call...u are not the only one'..and again she repeated:' when u are on call..u have to cover both sides.......' I said:' I know.. I know..'..walked myself to room 6..without talking too much...

Now pls imagine putting 3 pagers around ur collar while u are asleep...

I'm a student....yes I'm...If u can get better...if I can help u at least at some point..not too much..all the negatives things that I've encoutered dun seem to be important anymore. Nevertheless, am I really helping ? or only giving trouble?


Sunday, January 16, 2005


和所有恋爱的人一样,经历了一番轰轰烈烈的爱情以后,她和他终于走进了婚姻的殿堂。可是和他结婚了以后,她就觉得自己婚后的生活和想象的相去甚远。婚姻不像爱情,往往是多了琐碎和枯燥,少了激情与浪漫。当她不得不每天都面对这样单调而又乏味的生活时,她感觉自己的心在一点点磨平,生活如同白开水一样索然无味。婚后他们彼此还算恩爱,但也经常吵架,常常是因为一点鸡毛蒜皮的小事就吵起来了。而且他也不像过去那样处处迁就她让着她了,她觉得男人真是虚伪,一结婚就变了一个人,根本就不像恋爱的时候那样宽容忍让,如今她对他使小性子,丈夫一般是置之不理或沉默,甚至有的时候还和她争执一番,再也不像从前那样宠着她了。虽然有许多情感她始终无法释怀,可是毕竟她对这种死气沉沉的婚姻的忍耐是有限的。终于有一天,两人大吵了一架后,她忍无可忍地说出了那两个字:"离婚",他立即就说"可以,现在就去"。  那天外面下着雨,他和她各撑一把伞。两个人并排走在路上,都默默不语,都有各自的心事。雨下得挺大,路也很滑,但谁都不肯表示放弃。忽然前面的路边上有个地方停了一辆车,窄得只能通过一个人,于是他就走在了前面。过去以后,她又和他走在并排,他忽然拽住她,生气地说:"怎么又走我左边了呢?"与此同时,一辆大卡车与他擦身呼啸而过,他侧过身挡住了她,车虽然没撞到他,可是溅起的泥水却弄脏了他的衣服。她一下子愣在了那里。就是这么一个简单的动作,让她感受到了他细微而又平实的爱:一直以来,他始终习惯地走在她的左边,用自己的身体为她挡住汹涌的车流,为她挡住风雨和危险。其实这才是真爱,虽然没有绚丽的光环,却拙朴而厚重。不加任何修饰,于不经意间就流露出来。  她不由得泪流满面,分不清她脸上汹涌而下的是雨水还是泪水。他为她拭去泪水,对她说:"回家吧。"她用力点点头,紧紧地抓住了他的手,她感觉似乎同时也抓住了一份沉甸甸的爱。只因为爱你,才会走在你的左边。

The beginning of life.....

Dear friends,

I just finished my ped rotation in the past 2 months. I enjoyed it very much, babies have cheer up my daily life, they are the only force that push me to work everyday. I hold them, hug them...and always thinking..one day when u grow up...I may not know...but I will be how glad to see that...so please grow...ur weight gain became my daily achievement...u lost 5g..I wonder : what's wrong?..u gain only 10g..I wonder: why so little?...u gain 30g..I said: YES !!..u gain 90g..I said: Oh no...I saw u reached the earth from God's hands...u took ur first breath..letting out ur first tear...passing ur first urine outside the womb...u came to a new world..at the same time u are the whole world for someone.

Mommy checks ur daily weight...feeds u every 3 hours..changes ur diaper at least 6 times a day..but when u grow up..will u remember?

I'm starting Ob+gyn tmr...wish me luck..I hope I can go tru this posting as smoothly as I went tru ped.

Good night everyone.



开始在医院工作了三个月。。。遇到了很多事情。。。。有开心的。。烦恼的。。更多。。。。与同事的纠纷。。。。显得自己很不成熟。。。。我很想尽量迁就。。。。我可以一直是吃亏的人。。。。。可是我也有权力为我自己争取一点点的方便。。。。。请不要让我累得透不过气来。。。。就这样。。。。我生气了。。。。不可以吗? 我问自己。。。。我不可以生气吗?。。生气就表示我不成熟吗?。。。那 我想我是。。。即使生气。。。。我却不懂得表达。。。。反而变得可笑。。。。我不懂得说出自己的感受。。。。却希望别人来懂我。。。。我话不多。。。。至少我懂得谦让。。。。而自私的人。。。。真的很可悲。。。。请在想到自己的利益时。。。也想想周围的人。。。。朋友说 。。。。人都应该利己为先。。。。我不懂我可不可以以做个社会人。